Q & A with Mannat Narang

Name: Mannat Narang
Major: Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies
Future Goals: Attend medical school and become a physician. Hopefully with this major, I can use my knowledge to make change in the healthcare field.
I decided to major in gender, sexuality and women’s studies (GSWS) because as a pre-medicine student, I wanted to see the other side of medicine, not just the science part, but also the humanitarian part.
Why did you decide to study gender, sexuality and women’s studies?
I decided to major in gender, sexuality and women’s studies (GSWS) because as a pre-medicine student, I wanted to see the other side of medicine, not just the science part, but also the humanitarian part. I wanted to explore the disparities that exist in today's society and examine how they can affect the healthcare field.
What was your favorite class that you took in your major? And why?
My favorite class that I have take in my major has been Feminist Theory with Dr. Liz Canfield. This was my first GSWS class, so it was different from what I had been taking for the past two semesters. This class introduced me to the ideas of feminism that have stemmed from the civil war to modern day. It was interesting to see how far women have come, but also how far away we are from the rights we deserve.
Who was your favorite professor in your major? And why?
My favorite professor in my major is Dr. Canfield. She was my professor for my first GSWS class, and she was an excellent professor to have. Even though the class was over the summer and asynchronous, she made the effort to know all of her students. I felt comfortable to text her and get a response quickly. She also made me feel welcomed because I was nervous for the class since I had no idea of what to expect.
Why should students consider gender, sexuality and women’s studies as a major?
Prospective students should consider GSWS because it encompasses a lot of other majors. There are specific areas within GSWS that you can focus on based on your interests. For example, for me, I want to work in healthcare and focus on gender within that field. It is an important area of study that I think everyone should get a chance to learn about.